How our Gift Cards works

How to use

In cafés
You can use our gift cards in our cafés. Bring the gift card number and show it on purchase.

Online: On buy
When you open your basket, you have an option to add a gift card. It's right under you've picked store and time, and above your order summary.

  1. Click "Have a gift card? Add it here",
  2. enter your gift card number and
  3. click "ADD GIFT CARD".

Online: Add to Fredco Account
If you don't want to keep the gift card number, you can move the balance of the gift card to your Fredco Account. It requires that you have a user and you are logged in.

  1. Click "Gift cards" on the front page,
  2. click "Redeem" (it's the 3th tab) and
  3. enter your gift card number.
The money is now added to your Fredco Account, and the gift card can't be used anymore.

How to buy

In cafés
You can buy our gift cards in our cafés.
If you want to write a message and print out the gift card after, you can do this online. It requires that you have a user and you are logged in.

  1. Click "Gift Cards" on the front page,
  2. click "Bought in store" (it's the 2nd tab) and
  3. enter gift card number and click "STYLE AND DOWNLOAD GIFT CARD"
You can now enter a personal message, and the gift card will appear in "My gift cards".

You have to be logged in, to buy gift cards.

  1. Click "Gift cards" on the front page,
  2. choose how many gift cards and amount on them, and
  3. proceed to payment.
The new gift cards can now be found under "My gift cards", on the same page you bought the gift cards.

How to style

Gift cards can only be styled and printed from online
Click "Gift cards" on the front page. Here, you have an overview of all your current gift cards; "My gift cards".
If you click "CREATE YOUR GIFT CARD", you can enter a name and a message.
The name will display in the overview, so you know what gift card is for who.
The message will display on in the PDF, that you can download and send to people through the link "PRINT OR DELIVER GIFT CARD".